As part of our 2nd annual Thymic Malignancy Awareness Month, ThymicUK are holding another face-to-face patient meeting at Guy’s Hospital with talks from allied healthcare professionals and a chance to socialise and catch up with group members.
Presentations on the day will include talks from a cancer centre dietician, occupational therapist and physiotherapist.
Topics will include:
- Eating well before and after treatment
- How to manage breathlessness
- Fatigue and anxiety (interactive session)
- Promoting living well with and beyond cancer.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions both leading up to and after the talks.
Date: 24th May 2023
Time: 2:00 – 5.30pm
Location: Gordon Survivorship Centre (level W1), Cancer Centre, Guy’s Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Schedule for the day:
- 2:00 pm – Welcome/Introductions
- 2.15 pm – Dietitian Presentation
- 3:00 – 4.15 pm – Physio/OT Presentation
- 4.15 -5:00 pm – Cake, Biscuits, Tea and Social
A summary of the meeting will be made available on the ThymicUK website within a day or two proceeding.
Guy’s Cancer Hospital is still operating mandatory mask-wearing and has precautions in-place to keep visitors safe. We haven’t taken the decision to host an in-person meetup lightly and feel that it’s important for our members to meet up in person at this time.
If you have any questions for the dietician, occupational therapist and/or physiotherapist, or general questions about the day, you can send an email to us, or post your question in the ThymicUK Facebook group.