ThymicUK Patient Meeting at Guy’s Cancer Centre, 24th May 2023

ThymicUK Patient Meeting at Guy’s Cancer Centre, 24th May 2023

As part of our 2nd annual Thymic Malignancy Awareness Month, ThymicUK are holding another face-to-face patient meeting at Guy’s Hospital with talks from allied healthcare professionals and a chance to socialise and catch up with group members.

Presentations on the day will include talks from a cancer centre dietician, occupational therapist and physiotherapist.


Topics will include:
  • Eating well before and after treatment
  • How to manage breathlessness
  • Fatigue and anxiety (interactive session)
  • Promoting living well with and beyond cancer.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions both leading up to and after the talks.


Date: 24th May 2023
Time: 2:00 – 5.30pm
Location: Gordon Survivorship Centre (level W1), Cancer Centre, Guy’s Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Schedule for the day:
  • 2:00 pm – Welcome/Introductions 
  • 2.15 pm – Dietitian Presentation
  • 3:00 – 4.15 pm – Physio/OT Presentation
  • 4.15 -5:00 pm – Cake, Biscuits, Tea and Social


A summary of the meeting will be made available on the ThymicUK website within a day or two proceeding.

Guy’s Cancer Hospital is still operating mandatory mask-wearing and has precautions in-place to keep visitors safe. We haven’t taken the decision to host an in-person meetup lightly and feel that it’s important for our members to meet up in person at this time.

If you have any questions for the dietician, occupational therapist and/or physiotherapist, or general questions about the day, you can send an email to us, or post your question in the ThymicUK Facebook group.


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