Brothers Raised £2600 for ThymicUK in Lisbon Ironman

Brothers Raised £2600 for ThymicUK in Lisbon Ironman

Biff brothers George and Alex completed 5 months of gruelling training to compete in the 70.3 Cascais Iron Man on 21st October 2023; raising £2,600.

Having never done a triathlon let along Iron Man, in their lives, the brothers competed an incredible feat in aid of ThymicUK, travelling to Lisbon, Portugal to do so.  The boys completed 1.9km of sea swimming, 90km bike ride and a 21.1km hilly run all back to back, well done!

On their Just Giving fundraising page they explained their motivation for signing up for in their words “a spur of the moment challenge”.

“After witnessing our amazing Dad go through 5 intense rounds of chemotherapy and a 12-hour operation at the Royal Brompton, we saw the relentless strength Dad had and the unwavering support of charities like ThymicUK. So I guess this is a way for us to show support to him and charities like ThymicUK, who help people going through similar tough times, but making it that little bit better.” .

Thank you so much George and Alex!  We are so grateful for your hard work and dedication. Thank you for choosing to support ThymicUK and well done for raising so much money!

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