ThymicUK trustees Marrika and Heidrun attended this year’s annual BTOG conference in Belfast last week from Wednesday 26th – Friday 28th April.
BTOG is the “British Thoracic Oncology Group”, a multi-disciplinary group for healthcare professionals involved with thoracic malignancies throughout the UK, such as thymic cancers including: Thymoma, Thymic Carcinoma and Thymic Neuroendocrine Tumours.
ThymicUK had a dedicated charity stand at the conference which received positive interest from healthcare professionals, many of whom were interested in our materials and flyers to distribute. There was positive feedback from professionals, and nurses in particular who were grateful; for having an information and support resource to refer patients affected by rare thymic cancers to.
As a CNS (clinical nurse specialist), Marrika was at the conference both representing as an exhibitor, presenter and as a professional nurse for her role at Guy’s Cancer Centre. Heidrun attended as a patient advocate, exhibitor and presenter.
ThymicUK Presents Survey Results and Wins Award
In recent months ThymicUK conducted a patient survey with members: ‘The experience of patients with thymic epithelial tumours – A survey of patient perception of support from their clinical team and beyond’. See the research poster below:
The poster won “BTOG23 Poster Winner Runner Up” prize; a fantastic achievement. There was positive attention of the poster in general from conference attendees, as well as some good conversations with conference sponsors.
We would like to extend a massive thank you to all patients that participated in our survey about the experience of thymic cancer patients in the UK.
Meeting of ThymicUK Special Interest Group
The second in-person meeting of the BTOG Thymic special interest group took place at this year’s annual BTOG conference.
Overall the conference was a positive experience for ThymicUK and our trustees. It generated positive interest for ThymicUK, positive feedback, and new links with healthcare professionals interested in thymic cancers.