Thymic Malignancy Awareness Month May 2023

Thymic Malignancy Awareness Month May 2023

May 2023 is the second official thymic malignancy awareness month. Read below about how you can get involved and help raise awareness.

Thymic Malignancy Awareness Month is being organised in collaboration with ITMIG.

As rare cancers, thymic cancers need more awareness among medical doctors, clinicians and the wider public.  We need this to help facilitate quicker and more accurate diagnoses, more research and ultimately more access to better treatments for individuals.


Some of the activities being planned include:

  • webinars for patients
  • patient forum with medical guests at Guy’s hospital in London
  • patient stories
  • social media messages
  • fundraising initiatives
  • and much much more!



How to get Involved

Join our Facebook group, or keep an eye out on the ThyNews section of our website for more ways to get involved.


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Awareness Month Events

We recommend pre-registering for any below webinar you wish to attend to maintain a slot.

Clinical Trials for Thymic Epithelial Tumors

9th May, 2023 at 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM GMT

A presentation on the current ongoing clinical trials for thymic tumors.  There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end.

Tell me Your Story, Patients and Physicians Open DIalog on Shared Experiences With EURACAN

10th May, 2023 at 11:00 AM – 2:30 PM GMT

A webinar organised by Associazione Tumori Toracici Rari in Italy And Euracan with a Euracan ERN physician expert on thymic epithelial tumors.

Update on the Multidisciplinary Management of Thymic Carcinoma

15th May @ 5:00 PM – 18:30 PM GMT

This 75 minute webinar will discuss early-stage, locally-advanced and metastatic thymic carcinoma with discussion by multidisciplinary experts in thoracic radiology, medical oncology, surgery and radiation oncology, and allow audience participation. The webinar will be intended for an audience of both healthcare professionals and patients

Questions I’d like to ask my doctor

23rd May @ 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM GMT

An opportunity to ask questions that you may want to ask your doctor, but never have time to do so during your visit.

Priority will be given to questions submitted BEFORE the webinar, but, if there is enough time, our experts will also answer questions submitted via chat during the meeting.

Patient Meeting, Gordon Survivorship Hub, Guy’s Cancer Centre, London, UK

24th May @ 2:00 PM – 5:30 PM GMT

In-person patient meeting at Guy’s Cancer Centre with talks from allied healthcare professionals and a chance to socialise and catch up with ThymicUK group members.

Guy’s Cancer Hospital is still operating mandatory mask-wearing and has precautions in-place to keep visitors safe. We haven’t taken the decision to host an in-person meetup lightly and feel that it’s important for our members to meet up in person at this time.