Raise Awareness With the ThymicUK “Twibbon” on Facebook or Twitter

Raise Awareness With the ThymicUK “Twibbon” on Facebook or Twitter

For thymic cancer awareness month this May 2023, help raise the profile of ThymicUK and its aims by wearing the ThymicUK ribbon (Twibbon) on Facebook or Twitter.


You can add the badge to your Facebook or Twitter profile picture using the website Twibbon.  Visit our campaign page and follow the instructions below to find out how:



Step 1:

Choose whether you want to add the “Twibbon badge” to your Twitter or Facebook, or simply choose to Tweet your support for the campaign.




Step 2:

Log in with Facebook or Twitter and it should show your current profile picture.  Or you can change the image by selecting the button “change image”.  Next hit “Create Twibbon for Facebook / Twitter”



Step 3:

Download the image to your device, ready to upload to Facebook or Twitter.



Step 4:

Change your profile picture on Facebook or Twitter and upload the new picture you just downloaded.

If you need help changing your profile picture you can follow the two guides for Facebook and Twitter.



That’s it!  Thanks for showing your support…  Don’t forget to tell your friends and family to do the same too!


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