You can Now Donate to ThymicUK With Amazon Smile

You can Now Donate to ThymicUK With Amazon Smile

You can now make ThymicUK your chosen charity on Amazon Smile.

A quick and easy way to help donate funds to ThymicUK. Amazon Smile pays us 0.5% of anything you spend on Amazon UK (when you checkout using

It doesn’t cost you any more. Amazon gives ThymicUK a share of their profit.


How it works

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Shop as normal

Step 3: When the order is complete Amazon will allocate 0.5% to us.


How to change your charity

If you are already a member of Amazon Smile you can change your chosen charity under My Account > Change Your Charity.

It can be a little hard to find because there are a lot of options; but trust us, it’s there!

The one caveat

You must visit before each purchase.  Visiting will not generate any money for your chosen charity.

You can only donate to one charity at a time with Amazon Smile.  You can change this at any time in your Amazon account.


You will know you’re shopping with Amazon Smile because you will see the Amazon Smile logo in the top portion of the website.

Shopping with Amazon Smile


Shopping Without Amazon Smile


Making it easier (so your chosen charity doesn’t miss out)


Activate Amazon Smile in the Amazon Shopping app. (IOS and Andorid)

1. Get the app – Download or update to the latest version of the Amazon Shopping app on your phone. You can find it in the App Store for iOS or Google Play for Android.

2. Join AmazonSmile – If you are not already an AmazonSmile member, simply sign up at and select your favourite charity to start generating donations, at no cost to you.

3. Turn on AmazonSmileOpen the app and find ‘Settings’ in the main menu (☰). Tap on ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone.

Add an Amazon Smile Browser Extension

Smile Always for Chrome

Amazon Smile redirect for Firefox



It’s no small change!

Figures updated as of July 2021.

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