Do you want to join me in making a difference? I’m raising money in aid of ThymicUK, and every donation will help. I will be walking 100km throughout May for Thymic Malignancy Awareness Month.
I was diagnosed with Thymoma in 2015. Thymoma is a rare cancer of the thymus gland, which is located between the lungs. I had been asymptomatic until I became severely jaundiced and lost 2 stones in 2 weeks. I was admitted to hospital, but it took two months to be diagnosed. I was kept in hospital and monitored during that time, but with no treatment. Once I was diagnosed I had the task of finding doctor’s that had experience of the disease. I found an oncologist and surgeon at Guys Hospital in London. Treatment started there. I had six rounds of chemotherapy, surgery to remove the tumours and post-surgery radiotherapy. Unfortunately, the disease recurred in 2018. Another five rounds of chemotherapy were unsuccessful, but I later was accepted on a phase 1 chemo trial that slowed the new tumour’s growth. In September 2021, I had my left lung removed as the tumour had pretty much taken over, leaving me with only 4% function in that lung. I am still recovering and slowly building my stamina. Walking 100km will be a big challenge for me, but I’m determined to do it!
My journey has not been easy, but the lack of information and knowledge made it even more difficult. I had to research to find out about the disease and seek out health care professionals with experience in treating it. An additional and unnecesary stress.
I started a support group in 2018 for Thymic cancer patients with 6 patients at our first meeting. We now have over 200 patients and family in our support group, and have become a registered charity: ThymicUK.
As a support and advocacy group, ThymicUK aims to support people affected by thymic cancers, help to improve their quality of life and access to treatments by; Providing information resources for patients, carers and medical professionals; Raising awareness; Promoting research and Liaising with relevant organisations such as BTOG, ITMIG, the pharmaceutical industry, the NHS and NICE.
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause which means so much to me.
Karen x