
Are you Taking Notes at Cancer Appointments?

Are you Taking Notes at Cancer Appointments?

We have all done it. You get home after a doctor’s appointment and can’t quite remember everything they said. In-fact, you can even walk out of the hospital and forget..

This can be especially true for appointments about cancer treatment when you can sometimes receive a large amount of important and complicated information in a short space of time.

One large study in 2003 found that almost 40-80% of medical information provided by a healthcare professional is forgotten almost immediately.

And if you’re anxious, overwhelmed and/or receiving bad news, it can make it even harder to process the information, or form a memory.

Don’t wait until you get home, or into the car. Take a notepad and pen with you, or better still, bring a family member or friend along to take notes; this will allow you to fully focus on the conversation with the doctor.

This is true just as much from your initial diagnosis to every type of treatment, remission, and everything in between.


Benefits of taking notes during cancer appointments

  • Reduce stress for you and anyone involved in your care
  • Have more time to digest the information later and consult your doctor/consultant if you need to
  • Remember the questions you want to ask
  • Keep everyone involved in your care in the loop
  • Follow the doctor’s recommendations more closely, and/or make informed decisions yourself about what steps to take.
  • Take charge of your medical information.


Tips for taking notes during cancer appointments

1. Never underestimate the importance of taking notes

2. Consider taking notes at all doctor appointments

3. Purchase a notepad or binder to take notes, don’t rely on scraps of paper which can be difficult to find and organize.

Consider sorting paperwork by category (medication, test results, upcoming appointments)

4. If you are not comfortable taking notes, bring a family member or trusted friend, or record the conversation on your phone (ask your doctor).

5. Don’t be afraid to ask the doctor to repeat information if you aren’t sure or don’t understand.

6. Use your notebook at home to write down questions you have for your doctor/consultant during your next appointment.

7. Bring your notes and other relevant documents with you to each medical appointment.


Does recording appointments improve outcomes?

There isn’t a study directly suggesting this, however it could be logical to think that this is possible. By improving a person’s understanding of the medical information they have been given, they can know how best to use and apply it for their own health.


Don’t be afraid to record the conversation or take notes. Doctors realise just how overwhelming these appointments can be, and they know the importance about note taking. Do however speak to your doctor or consultant first if you specifically plan to record the conversation on a smartphone device.


How to make a recording in Voice Memos on iPhone

How to make a recording on an Android phone



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