Karen Ruddock

Karen Ruddock

ThymicUK Trustee

Chair and Founder

Karen was diagnosed with Stage 4 thymoma in May 2015. With the diagnosis of such a rare disease she felt isolated and wanted to be able to share experiences with other thymic cancer patients. With support from her oncologist and CNS she started a patient support group. The first meeting was in June 2018 at the Guy’s Cancer Survivors Day. There were 6 patients. Through the efforts of Karen and fellow trustees the group has grown to over 400 patients and carers and continues to grow. This is a considerable amount for such a rare disease.

Karen is extremely proud of how the group has progressed and with it the ambitions of what she wants to achieve. Her hope and belief is that ThymicUK will make a difference.

Before thymoma became part of her life, Karen had a 28 year career as civilian staff with the Metropolitan Police, she played field hockey and even started a hockey club that she is proud to say is still thriving. She feels very fortunate to be able to say that despite her diagnosis of thymoma and 3 autoimmune conditions she has been able to get back to working full time and enjoys music, film, cooking, and keeping fit.

She has the loving support of her wife, family and friends.

Karen is an ITMIG advocate (International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group).